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Famous Blogger Murray Newlands

doug richard

Famous Blogger Speaking Engagements

In mid-July I had the chance to visit Doug Richard at the Dragon’s Den and the School for Startups for an interview. He asked some challenging questions and invited members of the audience of 150 to pitch in with questions about their companies and how affiliate marketing might work for them. It was a time for quick thinking and straight answers. I had great fun, Doug and I were able to offer some real value to the participants.

Famous Blogger Coverage

This week saw my article come out in FeedFront – The Official Magazine of Affiliate Summit. This followed my interview in Revenue Today, the website of Revenue Magazine. Getting coverage in both the publications in such a short time-frame did wonders for my blog both for searches and links in pushing me closer to the Famous Blogger goal. Thank you Shawn Collins and Missy Ward as well as Chris Trayhorn over at Revenue Magazine.

Famous Blogger Sponsorship

MarketLeverage joined as sponsors of the Murray Newlands blog competition which lead to an increasing number of famous Blogger sign ups to competition. I would like to thank famous Blogger s @Joetech, @HeatherinBC, @BenSparks,@JohnRaser, @ MLDina, , @MarketLeverage, @ConnieFoggles, @vincestev, @TrishaLyn for working hard to promote the blog competition this week and mention http://dreamindemon.com, and http://www.liveforfilms.com/ for being in first and second place for votes this week. The competition is heating up as to who can get the most votes and become the Famous Blogger.

The Famous Blogger Goal

The growing success of MurrayNewlands.com is exciting and rewarding, and as I said, brings me closer to my personal goal of becoming a famous blogger. It is an honor and a pleasure to be part of the blogging community, and while fame is a relative term, I see people (like I mentioned) that can call themselves a famous blogger as both inspirations and mentors. A famous blogger is more someone with value to add to the community and enough traffic to get their message out there. If you or anyone you know has blogged the road from that first post to the position of famous blogger, I would love to hear about your journey!

Famous Blogger Murray Newlands

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See also
Celebrity Blogger
Celebrity Blogger
Famous Blogger
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Famous people on Twitter
Marketing on Facebook
Barefoot Celebrities
Top 10 Music Blogs

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