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Skimlinks Review CPA v CPC

What is Skimlinks?

Skim links is a company setup to enable content publishers to monetize their content pages.
Simply put they provide a couple of lines of JavaScript which you install in the footer of your site. When a user clicks on a like their service does a real time lookup of the link and there is a affiliate link which can be associated with that link it uses the affiliate links. This enables publishers make money from new and existing content with the installation of a couple of lines of JavaScript.

Skimlinks a great idea?

Yes if you are not monetizing your content in any other way then yes Skimlinks is a great idea.

Skimlinks you become a aub affiliate of Skimlinks and they take 25% of the revenue. However they manage all the network relations and you would anticipate that as a super affiliate they will be able to negotiate higher rates and therefore you will get 75% of more than you would have done on your own.


My question is this. If you have traffic which is general browning traffic rather than traffic which is in purchasing mode, you may find that your users would pass to the retailers with a Skimlinks CPA link and not make a purchase and you make no money. However would you be better with a CPC contextual ad where you get paid on the click rather than a CPA? I suspect that this depends upon the nature of the traffic to your site.

Skimlinks worth trying – YES

Skimlinks Review CPA v CPC
see also Skimlinks special feature, Skimlinks upgrade and it is cool!

6 comments on “Skimlinks Review CPA v CPC

  • Interesting angle Murray – publishers definitely need to size up whether CPC or CPA will be better suited to their traffic – doesn’t stop you doing both though.

    The nice appeal of Skimlinks is that is works on your text links inline to your content, which are proven to convert better than ad spots as they feel more ‘editorial’. So if you are running Adsense CPC for your ad blocks, and Skimlinks to work on your inline text links you have a nice combo 🙂

  • Joe I love the idea of Skimlinks and I told lots of bloggers about it at Traveling Geeks yesterday. 🙂 I have signed up 2 of my sites and I am hoping to be able to report back some great findings.


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