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Product review blog carnivals can help you boost your traffic. What is a blog carnival? It includes a blogger who hosts the carnival, which has a specific topic. For us, the topic will be product reviews. Bloggers submit their post links from their own blogs to the host who will publish the post with all of the links on a specific date. Each blogger promotes the carnival on their own blog.

Why does a blog carnival increase traffic? Because of promotion from each blogger involved, blog traffic is often higher to the host’s blog and to the participants’ blogs. Since blog carnivals are an ongoing process, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly, the traffic spikes will continue. The host duties should change each time the carnival is held so that traffic is shared amongst the bloggers.

If you use a site organizer like BlogCarnival.com you will get a badge and have a central place to submit your posts, keep track of the dates and participants and have a well known site that other bloggers and readers know about.

A product review carnival is an easy way to promote your blog, to increase traffic and to gain back links.This is another form of networking where bloggers can connect. Be sure to comment on the host’s blog on the date of the carnival to assist in these efforts.


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