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Val Clark from Let’s Just Give It Away an Interview

Visit Val Clark’s blog for lots of reviews and giveaways. She also provides posts for bloggers to link up their own giveaways and to find some to enter too.

Val Clark

Tell me about your Blog –

My blog is called Let’s Just Give It Away where I give my review on a wide varitey of product. I also offer a lot of great giveaways. I love finding great products that actually work.

What was your first blog ?

My first blog was called Great Deals Everywhere. It ran for about a year off and on. I never really got into it though.

What is the biggest tip you would give to product reviewers?

Just stick with it even if it starts out slow. You will slowly find companies that are willing to work with you.

Are you contacted by advertisers or do you contact them or both?

In the beginning I contacted advertisers and I still do. I just recently started having advertisers contact me. I really love it when I a company contacts me, because it is usually for a product that I would have never thought of to review or try out in the first place.

What is your favorite product that you have reviewed?

I really have enjoyed all of the products that I have received so far. I like that I get to try out a variety of products. I really love trying out clothes, so that would be at the top of my list.

What do advertisers do that you wish they wouldn’t/ do that you like?

I guess since I am still a little new to the review world, I don’t have any horror story about advertisers. Everyone I have worked with so far has been incredibly nice so I have no complaints. I guess I will officially “be in” once I have a bad pitch or a really bad story about a advertiser. I guess I have not been initiated yet. I really like it when an advertiser seems like they have actually taken a look at my blog before they contact me.

What do bloggers do that you wish they wouldn’t/do that you like?

I love it when I just get random comments. It is nice to just get comments saying hi or something that they like about my blog.

What advertiser would you like to work with given a chance?

I really haven’t had the opportunity to review any electronics yet, so I would really love to get the chance to do that. I am really open to any products at this point. I love to keep a variety to the products that I review, so I don’t get bored.

Where do you see growth in the blogging field?

I am really amazed to find out how many mom bloggers there are out there. I have noticed a lot more bargain blogs and review blogs popping up everywhere so those seem to be really popular these days.

What is one thing about you that not many people know?

I hated chocolate until just a few years ago.

What’s your favorite book?

I am reading a book right now call The Survivors Club that is really interesting.

What is on your iPod?

It has been a long time since I updated it so there is a lot of old stuff on there. I keep a wide selection though of country, rock, and everything in between.

What are your contact details?

Email: letsjustgiveitaway(nospam)@yahoo.com
Blog:  Let’s Just Give It Away
Facebook: http://networkedblogs.com/followblog.php?name=lets_just_give_it_away
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bargain_seeker

What events do you attend?

I have not attended any yet, but I would love to.

How do you prefer to communicate?

Email! I never have a quiet minute so email works great for me.

Who would you recommend, and why?
Dk Mommy Spot
Enroute to Life
Kiddie Corner Deals
A Blog of Goodies
Sage and Savvy
The Mom Reviews
Frugal And Fabulous

These are just a few that I subscribe to.

What is one thing people can do for you?

Help spread the word about Let’s Just Give It Away, any way, shape, or form!


One comment on “Val Clark from Let’s Just Give It Away an Interview

  • “I just love trying out clothes” – This sounds like a bum-in-the-butter type of a blog for a girl that likes fashion. Now only if it was this easy to get to drive all the latest motor cars…..hmmm, now you’ve got me thinking!

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