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Ellen Christian Confessions Of An Overworked Mom Blogger An Interview

Ellen writes about living in rural Vermont, being gluten-free, natural living and product reviews that reflect her interests.

Ellen Christian

Ellen Christian

Tell me about your Blog –

Confessions of an Overworked Mom began as a way to chronicle my family’s journey toward self-sufficiency.  My husband had just become disabled and unable to work and we were trying to juggle my job with taking care of our two children and chores on our homestead in rural Vermont.  As my blog grew, I began to write reviews about products that we loved and supported which grew into offering giveaways for my readers.

I try to offer articles, reviews & giveaways that are a little different than what you find on your typical mommy blog because our lifestyle is a little different than your typical family’s.

What was your first blog?

My first blog was simply a section of my crafts website where I wrote about our gardens, animals and rural living.  I no longer update that blog but it’s got some great information on rural living.


What is the biggest tip you would give to product reviewers?

Don’t give up.  In the beginning I wrote about products that I had purchased or that we currently owned.  It wasn’t long before my blog got noticed and I had opportunities to review more products for my readers.  Start small and your blog will grow over time.

Are you contacted by advertisers or do you contact them or both?

I have publishers and advertisers contact me fairly regularly to ask me to review their products.  My most recent contact was by NOVICA who I was thrilled to be partnered with.  Their website is truly one of my favorite fair trade gift sources.

I contact publishers and advertisers that I feel fit well with our lifestyle.  I like to offer my readers a glimpse into our lives and the types of products that we find helpful so if I see a certain need, I search out products that fit well.

What is your favorite product that you have reviewed?

Hmm, that’s hard.  I have to say that I’ve enjoyed all the products I’ve reviewed so far. I think that my favorite product I reviewed is the book Tea Party Activists by Dr. B. Leland Baker.  It’s just such an informative book and it’s something that I really believe in that it was a pleasure to review it.

What do advertisers do that you wish they wouldn’t/ do that you like?

I wish they’d look at more than just followers when deciding who to contact.  There are some blogs that are nothing more than reviews and giveaways and while they may have lots of followers, how many of those followers actually read the reviews or do they just follow to enter the giveaways.

With a blog that posts about life and offers reviews and giveaways as well, the followers tend to be more inclined to actually read the blog regularly instead of just visiting the blog to enter the giveaway and nothing more.

What do bloggers do that you wish they wouldn’t/do that you like?

I love when bloggers leave me comments!  I love knowing that I’m really connecting with other people out there and seeing comments on my posts is very rewarding!

What advertiser would you like to work with given a chance?

I’d love to work with more companies that offer organic and eco-friendly products.  That’s such a huge part of our life that I really feel strongly about connecting with those companies.

What’s your favorite book?

My favorite book is Patriots by James Rawles.  It’s subtitled A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse.

What are your contact details?

Email: Scentednights2002@(nospam)yahoo.com

Blog:  http://confessionsofanover-workedmom.blogspot.com/

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/scentednights2002?ref=name

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/scentednights

How do you prefer to communicate?

I’m in and out all day with the gardens, animals and my outside job so the easiest way for people to contact me is by email.  I check it several times a day and respond to requests regularly.

Who would you recommend, and why?

The Little Homestead in the City http://urbanhomestead.org/journal/ is my original inspiration for thinking we could become self-sufficient.

ProBlogger http://www.problogger.net/ has lots of great information on growing your blog.

Simply Stacy http://stacievaughansblog.blogspot.com/ is one of the big mommy blogs I’d like to be like when I grown up.

Jessica Knows http://jessicaknows.com/ has some great information for bloggers looking to increase their exposure.

What is one thing people can do for you?

Follow my blog and/or subscribe to my emails.  The larger I grow, the more information I can provide to you.  If you like what you’re reading, tell someone.


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