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Affiliate Marketing for Mom Bloggers

Choosing Affiliate Marketing topics for mom bloggers is a necessary to be profitable. You can’t just choose any topic because there is money to be made. Consider your readers’ demographics and your blog topic. For example if your readers are mothers, choosing to work with an affiliate that markets poker won’t work, but one that markets children’s clothing can work. If your readers are other bloggers, then try hosting affiliate programs or one for business cards.

There are various affiliate sites that offer multiple programs such as Commission Junction, Amazon.com and Share A Sale. There are smaller affiliate companies that provide one on one assistance such as Mom’s Talk Network, Pillows of Lavender and Menu Planning Central.

Look for programs that allow second tier referred sales. This type of program works well for Mom Bloggers because of the networking that goes on this community. If a Mom Blogger can market a program through email or other more direct contact it can be easy to refer a program this way.  Search for affiliate programs that you can write about in your blog. Banners don’t often work to earn money, but content marketing will provide better earning potential. So again, match the affiliate with your blog niche and your readers.

Mom Bloggers do have niches such as books, frugal living, crafts as well as baby products. There are many Affiliate Programs for these types of niches. Do your research and find one that fits. You may also use a program for a short period of time, such as holidays (Valentine’s Day Gifts) or a specific group of blog posts that you write, such as a blog tour about a conference (hotel or airfare sites).

Mom Bloggers can be successful Affiliate Marketers when using the correct programs.


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