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Jill Berry of Musings From Me an Interview

Jill Berry is online, everywhere! She’s a busy blogger who also moderates forums, stays active on Twitter and Facebook and promotes products that she believes in online and offline.


Tell me about your Blog –

I am raising a kid, a preteen, and a teen and living to blog about it. I have the gray hairs to prove it. I write about family friendly products and events…if I like it my readers will like it. Check out: Musings From Me

What was your first blog?

My first blog was one I wrote for a graphic design class: Now It’s My Turn

What is the biggest tip you would give to product reviewers?

Be honest with your readers. If you like the product, say so. Include an anecdote about your family’s experience with the product. Makes your review more genuine.

Are you contacted by advertisers or do you contact them or both?

I am contacted by PR on a daily basis. Some pitches are a good fit while some are not interesting. I like reviewing toys, CDs, DVDs, iphone/itouch apps, wii and PS3 games, family friendly events, and household items.

I have contacted PR/brands about reviewing a product. One product I would love to review is the Soda Stream — http://www.sodastreamusa.com/. I wrote the company a pitch, but never got a response.

What is your favorite product that you have reviewed?

Harlem Globetrotters and Disney on Ice. I was given tickets to both events. I had wanted to take the kids for years. Great shows!

What do advertisers do that you wish they wouldn’t/ do that you like?

I have never had this happen to me, but I know other bloggers have either not received a product to review or have had to return a product. I like when PR/brands engage with me on twitter. @NerfNation do a good job of connecting on twitter and Facebook.

What do bloggers do that you wish they wouldn’t/do that you like?

I dislike when bloggers are backstabby with each other. I have unfollowed a bunch who think that drama = traffic to their blog. Don’t need more drama in my life. I love when bloggers answer my questions on twitter or engage with me when I am having a bad day.

What advertiser would you like to work with given a chance?

Disney Cruises
A car company
local spa

Where do you see growth in the blogging field?

I see brands realizing that bloggers need to/deserve to be paid for promoting brands online.

What is one thing about you that not many people know?

I am super organized, but I have a messy house. I can find a Christmas ornament in my neatly organized basement, but I may not be able to find my daughter’s permission slip for her field trip.

What’s your favorite book?

King of the Barbareens by Janet Hitchman

What is on your iPod?

I don’t have an iPod…can you believe it?!? I won an iTouch but my tween has adopted it as hers. My tween and teen and my husband all have ipods.

What are your contact details?

Jill Berry
Musings from Me

Sites I moderate:


Sites I write for:


What events do you attend?

If the event is in D.C. or Baltimore, I make every effort to attend.
I attended the Childs Play PR Bloggers’ Brunch in NYC.
I attended the Toy Fair 2010 as press – loved every minute of it!
I attended three blogging conferences: TypeAMom 2009, Mom 2.0 2010, and Baltimore #BloggieBootCamp 2010.

I was invited to visit General Mills HQ. I visited Orlando as a guest of the Orlando Convention and Visitors Bureau.

How do you prefer to communicate?

e-mail — JillAnneBerry(nospam)@msn.com — remove the nospam
twitter — @MusingsfromMe
cell phone — 443-718-7361

Who would you recommend, and why?

Mariana — www.ridingwithnohands.com — migrated my blog from Blogger to WP as a friend
Amy — www.teachmama.com — helpful teaching hints
Leticia — www.techsavvymama.com — helpful tech hints
Jean — www.stimeyland.com — helpful hints for dealing w/a child with autism
Carol — www.nycitymama.com — travel blogger
Stacie — www.thedivinemissmommy.com — review and travel blogger
Amy — www.momspark.net — runs a network of moms
Janice and Susan — www.5minutesformom.com — twin sisters who have created a place for moms to hang out

What is one thing people can do for you?

People can recognize that I am influential on my blog, twitter, and in my offline life. If I like a product, I make sure to tell others why I like it.


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